“Murder Flies the Coop” – A Beryl and Edwina Mystery by Jessica Ellicott

A celebrity much married American adventurer who traveled the world and a quiet English woman living in a small village should have nothing in common but in this mystery they team up as very resourceful private investigators.  How this all comes together means you need to read the book but it all goes to show that anything can happen!   This is the 2nd novel in this series and builds on the prior success the duo shared in solving a complex mystery which gained them a local reputation as clever investigators.

Set in post WWI England, a bleak and hard time in the countryside, the pair are looking to find some funds and get roped into looking into the disappearance of a member of the local pigeon club by the local vicar who offers to pay for their services out of the club’s funds so the club can avoid scandal.  Apparently in the 1920’s pigeon racing was a popular  sport and clubs competed for prizes and the competitions led to betting that led to problems.

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“The Darling Dahlias and the Poinsettia Puzzle” – by Susan Wittig Albert

Depression era in the deep South doesn’t sound like a good setting for a cozy mystery but this original and captivating series set in Darling, Mississippi in the early 1930’s during the depths of the Great Depression is quintessential cozy.  It captures the spirit of a small town where no one has any money but everyone manages to make do and get by.  The slightly folksy can- do spirit is the narrative voice and will immediately pull you into the warmth and heart of this series or maybe won’t appeal at all but give it a chance.  The strength and intelligence these characters display will win you over!

The Dahlias are a ladies gardening club and form the core group of characters whose relationships with each other, their bosses and neighbors and shop keepers form networks to many other characters. It is not focused on any one protagonist but each book focuses on one Dahlia club member in particular.  And if you read the series from the beginning (this is the 8th book) it’s fun to follow the ups and downs of the characters.

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