“Wonton Terror” – A Noodle Shop Mystery by Vivien Chen

Some cozy mystery writers capture the quirky, amusing, but believable tone that makes reading them fun, it’s a hard quality to pin down and may just be a matter of taste, but for me it makes the genre appealing and is what captured my heart so many years ago  and Vivien Chen has the magic touch.  This is the 4th in the series and the main character Lana Lee continues to evolve, she is now the manager running her family’s Chinese restaurant in Asian Village, an indoor shopping district featuring oriental themed stores.  But Lana is still Lana, honestly out-spoken, funny, caring and compelled to poke her nose into police business when it involves her people.

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“Such a Perfect Wife” by Kate White

This suspenseful mystery features Bailey Weggins as an investigative reporter for a new website, Crime Beat,  on her first assignment in the tourist area of Lake George, NY to report on  the breaking story of a missing, wealthy local businessman’s wife who disappeared one morning in early Fall.

As in all of Kate White’s suspense novels, the plot and action captivated me from the first and it is definitely in the ‘hard to put down’ category.  The main character Bailey Weggins is a perfect balance of niceness, savvy, smarts and calculating shrewdness that impresses with that extra edge of New York City know how.   Plus, she works very hard in an unrelenting kind of way that keeps the plot racing along.

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