“Wonton Terror” – A Noodle Shop Mystery by Vivien Chen

Some cozy mystery writers capture the quirky, amusing, but believable tone that makes reading them fun, it’s a hard quality to pin down and may just be a matter of taste, but for me it makes the genre appealing and is what captured my heart so many years ago  and Vivien Chen has the magic touch.  This is the 4th in the series and the main character Lana Lee continues to evolve, she is now the manager running her family’s Chinese restaurant in Asian Village, an indoor shopping district featuring oriental themed stores.  But Lana is still Lana, honestly out-spoken, funny, caring and compelled to poke her nose into police business when it involves her people.

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“Murder a la Mocha” – A Maggie Thorsen Mystery by Sandra Balzo

 Many cozies have dogs, cats and other pets that feature as wonderful, humorous sidekicks and add heart and interest to a story but in this mystery, Murder a la Mocha, dogs are pivotal to the plot and not just as endearing delightful characters.  This is also a very topical mystery and reveals a lot about the American lifestyle.

The series features Maggy Thorsen who co-owns a coffee house with her business partner and friend, Sarah and they both end up involved in a murder investigation since Sarah’s niece Arial is a suspect. Arial was dog sitting Mocha, a mix breed Chihuahua, that Maggie rescues at the start of book about the time the murder occurred.   Arial has since fled the scene possibly with the home owner who is also missing.

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“Broken Bone China” – A Tea Shop Mystery by Laura Childs

This series epitomizes the classy intrepid sleuth who lives a very full life running a quaint charming tea shop, hobnobbing with Charleston’s arts and antiques crowd and chasing down clues with the tea sommelier and antiques expert Drayton at her side in between attending benefits and volunteering for charities…oh and she also jogs with her rescue dog Earl Grey.  Her home is a Tudor style cottage in a good neighborhood and though she lives alone her boyfriend is around often.  What a life! And she is naturally a classic beauty with a versatile wardrobe and a friend who is on hand for fashion advice and owns a chic boutique.    But despite her enviable life style, cool intellect and ability to multi-task which the rest of us can only aspire to Theodosia Browning is undoubtedly fun to hang out with in this newest cozy.

She and Drayton are cruising along in a hot air balloon sipping champagne when a drone strikes and crashes another hot air balloon killing a well known wealthy business  CEO.  Then a very rare revolutionary war flag disappears that the dead CEO was trying to sell for a multi-million dollar price tag.  Theodosia and Drayton get pulled into the investigation and in between running a business and planning elaborate teas they find time to talk to the widow, the other bidders, a disgruntled former employee, the curator for the CEO’s collection and other suspects.  The characters are fascinating and the setting is imbued with Charleston’s ambiance though it is a bit soggy in this book since it is mostly raining every day. Continue reading ““Broken Bone China” – A Tea Shop Mystery by Laura Childs”

“Murder with Lemon Tea Cakes” – 1st in a New Series by Karen Rose Smith

“Murder with Lemon Tea Cakes’ is the 1st in a new series with an adorable cover of a vintage teapot and a delicious looking lemon tea cake which looks impossible to resist. I had never read anything by this author so that was new too! Just what one needs in dreary January to pass the time and be entertained is a new cozy mystery to feel warm and … well cozy!

The book has a lot of familiar ingredients of the domestic cozy. “Murder with Lemon Tea Cakes” introduces Daisy, an attractive thirty something running a tea shop in a small town in Pennsylvania together with her aunt. There is the requisite 2 potential romantic interests and the small town  where people aren’t anonymous and  information is shared in a gossipy natural way.

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