“Something Read Something Dead” – A Library Lighthouse Mystery by Eva Gates

Winter on the Outer Banks of North Carolina is a quiet time of year normally but not in this cozy when a bridal shower in the lighthouse library for Lucy’s cousin ends with a call to 911 when a relative suddenly collapses and dies.  Suspicion falls on Josie who as the bride-to-be is less than thrilled with her relatives trying to hi-jack her wedding plans for a casual, fun wedding into an ornate, over the top affair not to mention the outrageous flirting and posturing of the victim who is using it as an opportunity to build a top tier event planning business.   And murder most foul, Josie had baked the lovely GF desserts that turn out to contain poison, so she is the favorite suspect of the state police detective.

Lucy, her aunt and uncle and their friends are stunned but the evidence is pretty strong against Josie and so Lucy starts nosing around with help from her friends to uncover other suspects.   But Lucy and her co-workers also have a major headache, the library unexpectedly needs a huge infusion of cash to make repairs otherwise it will have to close and since the town cannot afford to fund the restoration the community must come up with the majority of the cash … but that is what you call a challenge despite the good intentions and support of the community money Is tight and the fund raising is falling short.

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“Shell Game” – A V. I. Warshawski Novel by Sara Paretsky

 Another amazing mystery in this series, dazzling in its intensity and suspense, politically charged, the underdog and the corrupt are again the focus with the amazing V. I. Warshawski getting drawn into two seemingly unrelated mysteries, one to protect her friend’s nephew and the other to find the missing niece of her ex-husband.  This is a very timely mystery involving the Russian mob, a corrupt Billionaire, teams of wily lawyers, abused young women, Muslim émigrés and ancient mid-Eastern stolen art objects.  Wow!

Superlatives aside, if you enjoy topical novels with an unrelenting pace featuring a lone detective who against all kinds of obstacles determinedly tries to discover the truth and unmask the rotten and diseased then you will enjoy this novel but be warned it is not light hearted.  I learned more from this novel about off shore companies, corporations with no members, tax shelters, payday loans, penny stock swindles, completion bonds,  ICE operatives, Syrian artifacts and Russian thugs than from reading a dozen newspaper articles!

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